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Foods To Eat And To Avoid When You Have A Stuffy Nose
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Foods To Eat And To Avoid When You Have A Stuffy Nose

Nasal congestion is quite common, with a stuffy or runny nose being early symptoms. It is often accompanied by a throbbing headache, and can also lead to a sore throat as a side-effect. The condition mostly occurs due to allergies that cause the nasal tissues to be inflamed. Sometimes, sinus pressure also causes nasal congestion, leading to a stuffy or runny nose.
Essential Diet Tips To Manage Multiple Sclerosis
Health & Wellness

Essential Diet Tips To Manage Multiple Sclerosis

For many with multiple sclerosis, diet does not seem to be the obvious thing to manage their symptoms. Multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system. The body’s immune system begins to attack the central nervous system. A person will start experiencing symptoms such as tingling, weakness, and pain. There might be mood swings, trembling, and fatigue.
Down With Cold And Flu – Make These Dietary Changes
Health & Wellness

Down With Cold And Flu – Make These Dietary Changes

When a person has a stuffy nose, scratchy throat, and/or throbbing headaches, the symptoms can point towards a cold or the flu. These symptoms can also overlap. So, unless a doctor runs a diagnostic test, it is hard to determine what the person is suffering from. More often than not, flu is worse than the common cold and can lead to complications like pneumonia.
How To Plan A Migraine Friendly Diet
Health & Wellness

How To Plan A Migraine Friendly Diet

Migraines are not just headaches. They are a neurological condition that can trigger severe sensitivity to light and sound, often accompanied by nausea. The distress can be of varying severity and often a result of hormonal changes and changes in one’s diet. Genetics also plays a big role in a person developing an uncontrollable headache as the condition runs in the family and is passed down through the gene pool.
Healthy Food Choices That Can Control Excessive Sweating
Health & Wellness

Healthy Food Choices That Can Control Excessive Sweating

Sweating the usual amount every day is no cause for alarm. It is just the body’s natural response to heat, rigorous exercise, or even stress. Sweat glands in the skin secrete this liquid from within to help maintain body temperature. However, excessive sweating is caused by certain eating and lifestyle habits, you must try to understand the trigger associated with the symptom.
Sleep Apnea – Foods To Help You Get A Good Nights Sleep
Health & Wellness

Sleep Apnea – Foods To Help You Get A Good Nights Sleep

Sleep apnea is one of the many sleep disorders that can disrupt a good night’s rest and result in fatigue during the daytime. The condition forces your body to breathe intermittently throughout the night, and the most common type of sleep apnea occurs due to a blocked air passage that causes multiple short pauses in breathing without you even realizing it.
Diets That Help Relieve Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms
Health & Wellness

Diets That Help Relieve Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms

Usually affecting people between the ages of 30 and 50 years, psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that is closely related to psoriasis, an autoimmune condition that results in the development of red, scaly rashes. Almost a third of the people with psoriasis are likely to be diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, although the symptoms of the joint condition can also appear before the rashes develop.
Top Foods That Promote Sleep In Insomnia Patients
Health & Wellness

Top Foods That Promote Sleep In Insomnia Patients

People suffering from insomnia normally have trouble falling asleep or maintaining a good sleep cycle. One can either have acute (short term) or chronic (long term) insomnia. And the severity of the symptoms and problems associated with sleeping will vary depending on the triggers. Insomnia can either be a result of poor sleeping and eating habits or may even stem from depression or anxiety.
Foods And Diet Tips To Keep Hepatits C Symptoms At Bay
Health & Wellness

Foods And Diet Tips To Keep Hepatits C Symptoms At Bay

The condition hepatitis is characterized by inflammation of the liver, and the various types from A to E are based on the mode of infection. Hepatitis C is a result of blood infected by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). This virus is contagious and can spread through transfusions. The two main types of hepatitis C infections are Acute hepatitis C Being a short-term infection, acute hepatitis C symptoms can last up to 6 months.
8 Foods That Help In The Fight Against Heartburn
Health & Wellness

8 Foods That Help In The Fight Against Heartburn

Although heartburn has nothing to do with the heart, it can feel strangely similar since the pain is in that area. This condition is generally characterized by a burning sensation in the chest. This sensation arises mostly due to stomach acid making its way toward the esophagus, which connects the stomach and throat.
How Can You Prevent Dry Eyes With The Help Of Vitamins
Health & Wellness

How Can You Prevent Dry Eyes With The Help Of Vitamins

Dry eye syndrome or Dry Eye Disease (DED) is a chronic condition of insufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. A person suffering from this condition can experience subtle but constant eye irritation to significant inflammation of the eye. Severe cases can lead to the scarring of the front surface of the eye.
Diet Tips To Follow For Better Bowel Movements
Health & Wellness

Diet Tips To Follow For Better Bowel Movements

One of the most common digestive problems faced by individuals, constipation is characterized by a difficulty in passing stools and fewer than three bowel movements in a week. It affects more than 2.5 million Americans and is likelier to affect people aged 65 or older, those confined to bed, pregnant women, children, those with poor diets, and very little physical exercise.

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